Microbiome Academy

How do I know if my microbiome needs a boost?

by Nathan Gray

How do I know if my microbiome needs a boost?

The gut microbiome affects a whole range of bodily functions, meaning an unhealthy one could be responsible for a plethora of health issues and complaints. So, watch out for these tell-tale signs that your microbiome may need a boost…

Abdominal discomfort

Experiencing gas and bloating after a particularly large meal is fairly normal, but if you find yourself regularly suffering from excessive gas and bloating, it is probably a sign that not all is well. A balanced microbiome will be able to digest food better, resulting in less bloating.

Food intolerances

Not to be confused with food allergies which are much more serious, an intolerance is difficulty digesting a certain food or food group, and this could be the result of a damaged gut.

Autoimmune disorders

Sometimes the immune system can become overactive, resulting in autoimmune disorders. These conditions are caused by high levels of inflammation in the body, which has been linked to the microbiome. And imbalance in microbiome bacteria can cause flare ups and can make symptoms worse.

Skin issues

Did you know that skin can reflect what is going on in the inside? Research has linked the microbiome to skin complaints such as chronic acne, eczema and psoriasis. So good skincare actually starts from within!

Going to the toilet too often... or not enough!

A healthy microbiome is important regulating bowel movements. So, if you are experiencing constipation or diarrhoea, it is a sign that not all is well. It is good to know what is normal for you so you can recognise when something may be off.

Unintentional weight change

We know that a combination of a healthy diet and exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight, but studies are now showing the microbiome also plays an important role. An unexplained weight change, which is not due to a change of diet or exercise regime, could be an indication of an unhealthy gut. In fact, recent clinical trials are showing that treatments targeting the microbiome could help to treat and prevent obesity, but more research is needed.

Poor sleep

The microbiome controls the levels of cortisol, serotonin and melatonin which are needed for quality sleep. So, it is probably no surprise that an unhealthy gut can have a negative effect on your circadian rhythm (your internal clock), which can disrupt your sleep and can even result in sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Low mood

Your microbiome is not just responsible for your physical health, it can affect your mental health too. This is because the gut is in a constant two-way communication with your brain, called the gut-brain axis, and research is showing that the microbiome plays a huge role in how we respond to stress.

So, it is super important to look after your microbiome! Our Daily Microbiome Booster contains prebiotics, postbiotics and collagen peptides to boost your gut health the easy way.

DISCLAIMER: Please note the information provided in this article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we recommend you seek medical advice.
